What Are We?
We are an online booking service that helps you find service providers of different categories all around the area, filter them based on their specialties and offered services, browse exclusive offers and packages, review their detailed profile and select the best suitable booking time in accordance to their availability agenda and yours.
Our services are offered in our app available App Store and Google Play
for download onMore About Us
reservago© was founded in 2018 by Great Minds Technology & Solutions Co. W.L.L operated by a couple of young techpreneurs who wanted to take away the hassle of bookings that are available in the region, group them under one large categorized platform for their clients to find and book with ease. Hence the lack of such portal existence flickered the idea of innovating the next-level of booking experience to be a click away from your fingertips.
We are currently based and operating in the kingdom of Bahrain. Our vision of future expansion is infinite, looking forward to expand throughout the surrounding region and beyond.
Why reservago?
reservago© makes it simpler to connect clients of different interests with what they are looking for.
The benefits of our online booking portal are as follows:Choose a category and you are directly connected to a list of service providers that are ready to serve you and are available in your area.
Filter by category, specialty, services and even location.
Book hassle-free by eliminating long phone waiting time and busy lines.
Browse through the variety of offers that are exclusively added for you.
Have your queries answered by connecting directly to your service provider through the direct messaging tab available in the business profile page.
All the details you require about the bookings, services, offers and timings are neatly presented in the vendor's profile page along with more details about their service providers.
Rate and review your whole booking experience.
Use the Quick Book option when you don’t have time to sign up.
24/7 Support is available for any further assistance that you may require with your bookings.